yunus emre er

Full Stack Web Developer

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Hello! I'm Yunus Emre, a senior computer programming enthusiast with a profound passion for coding. I embarked on my programming journey by diving into languages like JavaScript, PHP, and C#, acquiring comprehensive knowledge and experience in these fields.

I thrive on continuously evolving within the industry by exploring and learning new languages and frameworks. I prefer a project-based approach, turning acquired knowledge into practical applications to keep pushing my boundaries. Additionally, I aim to connect with the programming community by contributing to open-source projects and engaging on platforms like GitHub.

In shaping my future career, I'm gaining experience with various languages and frameworks to pinpoint areas where I want to specialize. By creating my projects and pushing my limits, I aspire not only to enhance my knowledge but also to contribute to the development of the programming community.

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web development

I develop custom web applications tailored to your needs using both Front-End and Back-End technologies. I provide solutions designed specifically for your requirements to optimize your business processes.

web design

I design websites that align with current design trends, ensuring aesthetic appeal. I meticulously craft designs to provide excellent visibility across different devices.

latest works

As a reflection of my creativity and passion, I wanted to share with you some of the projects I've been working on recently. I invite you to explore certain projects where I've shaped them with personalized touches, reflecting contemporary design sensibilities.

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